How to pivot datasets

A guide to using pivot_longer() and pivot_wider() in {tidyr}


Tan Gandhara


June 8, 2024

Why, oh why?

I’ve spent quite a few years working with data in R but was reminded of the brain fog that overcomes me each time I want to pivot any data when I saw Jörn’s post on Bluesky:

Will ever I be able to convert data between wide and long format in #rstats without googling?

— Jörn Alexander Quent ( Jun 6, 2024 at 7:40

I regularly use Excel and Power BI at work and pivoting can be pretty simple in Power Query (here’s the answer in case you’re wondering) but this site is a Microsoft-free zone so I’ll show you how to do in RStudio.

Enter the Tidyverse

For this guide we’re using the {tidyr} package from {tidyverse} so let’s get them loaded up and set up a dataset for use in this guide:

index <- seq(1:10)
p1 <- runif(10,1,50)
p2 <- runif(10,5,70)
p3 <- runif(10,7,90)
df <- tibble(index,p1,p2,p3)
# A tibble: 10 × 4
   index    p1    p2    p3
   <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1     1 44.4   66.3  60.5
 2     2 25.0   29.9  73.2
 3     3  4.50  69.8  34.7
 4     4 12.3   46.0  13.0
 5     5 32.1   20.2  78.4
 6     6 41.9   62.4  22.2
 7     7 13.1   41.9  52.8
 8     8 18.3   33.7  33.7
 9     9 16.5   52.8  37.5
10    10 26.5   63.3  28.3

Now, let’s say we want to everything apart from the index column to be reshaped into a longer tibble where the p labels are in a column called class and the actual observations for each row are in a column called values. Using the pivot_longer() function we could do something like this were we select everything apart from index and column names are assigned using the names_to argument and values using values_to:

df |> 
               names_to = "class", 
               values_to = "value")
# A tibble: 30 × 3
   index class value
   <int> <chr> <dbl>
 1     1 p1    44.4 
 2     1 p2    66.3 
 3     1 p3    60.5 
 4     2 p1    25.0 
 5     2 p2    29.9 
 6     2 p3    73.2 
 7     3 p1     4.50
 8     3 p2    69.8 
 9     3 p3    34.7 
10     4 p1    12.3 
# ℹ 20 more rows

Other ways of achieving this same result are by selecting specific columns from their column index; {tidyselect}’s selection helpers; or a regexp using the names_pattern argument:

# Use column index to select columns
df |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = c(2:4),
               names_to = "class",
               values_to = "values")

# Use starts_with to select columns
df |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("p"),
               names_to = "class",
               values_to = "values")

# Use a regexp to select columns
df |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = c(2:4),
               names_to = "class",
               names_pattern = "^p(.*)",
               values_to = "values")

Now let’s say that we have the same data in a long format, using df2, but want to use it in a wide format.

df2 <- df |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("p"),
               names_to = "class",
               values_to = "values")

# A tibble: 5 × 3
  index class values
  <int> <chr>  <dbl>
1     1 p1      44.4
2     1 p2      66.3
3     1 p3      60.5
4     2 p1      25.0
5     2 p2      29.9

In this case, we use pivot_wider() and the names_from argument to specify which column will be used for the column names, and values_from for the values.

df2 |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = class, 
              values_from = values)
# A tibble: 10 × 4
   index    p1    p2    p3
   <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1     1 44.4   66.3  60.5
 2     2 25.0   29.9  73.2
 3     3  4.50  69.8  34.7
 4     4 12.3   46.0  13.0
 5     5 32.1   20.2  78.4
 6     6 41.9   62.4  22.2
 7     7 13.1   41.9  52.8
 8     8 18.3   33.7  33.7
 9     9 16.5   52.8  37.5
10    10 26.5   63.3  28.3

Next steps

The code above returns the simple tibble we started with but reshaping more complicated datasets might require the use of names_repair, names_sep, or names_expand arguments in pivot_wider. To learn about these and other arguments for both of the pivoting functions mentioned above then take a look at the detailed guide here. Happy pivoting!